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Current Progress

>Step Eight: Summarize/Close the Sale

All right, (client name)

  • (Doctor in network) based off the information I gathered; we were able to verify that (list the name of doctors are in network for the plan).
  • (Doctor not in network) Although your doctor is not in network, we were able to find (doctor) who is in network with this plan. This will allow you to maximize your benefit, which is great!

We verified that your prescriptions are covered by this plan.

(Client name), we were also able to find you a plan that offered: (interested benefits)

If applicable $ Dental, $Vision, $ Hearing, $ Lower MOOP, $ Co-pays, $ Over the counter etc.

Now (client) since we have found a plan that fits your needs go ahead and grab your Medicare card and we can move forward to the last stage of the process.

While you do that, Medicare requires that you call me to complete the enrollment on an inbound call. I know it is a hassle but at least it is better than someone sitting in your house and making you do a bunch of paperwork. When you call, I will do all the work, I will read you the required Medicare disclosures and complete your application and it will only take a few minutes.

Call me right back at 833-265-9655, you can reach me at extension (your extension), I will be waiting for your call.
