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  • Ameritas dental and vision insurance plans
January 19, 2023

Dental, vision and hearing care benefits are an investment in your overall health and well-being. Ameritas has plans for individuals, families and businesses help make caring for your health affordable.

Need Coverage?

Choose from dental and vision insurance plans with provider network savings and day-one benefits on most plans.

Dental Plans

Ameritas PrimeStar® dental insurance plans feature next-day coverage and no enrollment fees. There are no waiting periods on most dental plans. Preventive visits, such as dental exams and cleanings, are covered up to 100%. And some dental plans include additional benefits such as LASIK, orthodontia, or hearing care.


Preventive Plus

Type 1 Preventive procedures are not deducted from the plan’s annual maximum benefit. This saves all of the annual benefit to help pay for more expensive Type 2 and 3 procedures.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is included as a Type 3 Major benefit on the PrimeStar Access dental plan.

Child orthodontia

With the PrimeStar Access dental plan, coverage for orthodontic services include teeth straightening and jaw alignment for children under age 19.



Benefits for laser vision correction are available for those over age 18 with the PrimeStar Access dental plan.

Hearing care

Hearing Care

Coverage for hearing exams and hearing aids is available for plan members of all ages with the PrimeStar Total dental plan.

Benefit coverage

Eye exams

Benefits for an eye exam are available each year.

Glasses or contacts

Your benefits can help pay for glasses or contacts. Depending on the plan you choose, benefits are available every year or every other year.

Vision Plans

Ameritas PrimeStar vision insurance plans all offer next-day coverage, no waiting periods, and no enrollment fees. Choose from plans that feature the VSP or EyeMed vision networks. All plans include coverage for eye exams and eyewear such as glasses or contact lenses.

Find the best affordable dental insurance plan and vision insurance plan for you and your family. We have a plan to fit all ages. Ameritas dental plans and vision plans are great supplemental insurance options for Medicare and Marketplace health care plans. And hassle-free online enrollment and billing make it easy to maintain your dental care and vision care needs.

Medicare Consultation

Ameritas has a plan for you

  • All plans emphasize preventive dental and vision care, which is important for all ages from kids to seniors.
  • Add dental and vision plans as supplemental insurance to Medicare coverage.
  • Choose a basic dental plan, or a more comprehensive dental plan with additional benefits such as LASIK, orthodontia, teeth whitening or hearing care.

Ameritas is an insurance company you can trust

Benefits experts

Ameritas was formed in 1887. We’ve offered dental insurance since 1959 and vision insurance since 1984.


Your coverage stays with you as your life changes. And you can cancel your insurance coverage anytime.

Translation services

We have Spanish-speaking claims associates and a translation service in many languages.

National company

Ameritas provides dental and vision insurance to more than 11 million people nationwide.

Local support

All call centers are located in the United States with no outsourcing of customer services.

Award-winning customer service

Customer Connections associates have earned BenchmarkPortal’s Center of Excellence award since 2006.

Get Help

Compare Medicare coverage options with the help of one of our agents:

Talk to us: (833) 265-9655 

Medicare brokers such as Lehigh Partners get paid by the insurance companies they represent. And you pay exactly the same rate for your insurance if you use a Medicare consultant (broker). There is no extra fee or cost for enrolling through a broker. You will never pay a fee for our help.

Find a Plan

Shop for coverage online. Safe, Secure, & Confidential

Call us

Call Lehigh Partners at 1-833-265-9655

Licensed insurance agents are available to help you through enrollment and beyond.

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Medicare Checklist

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Download our complimentary Medicare checklist and conveniently access all the necessary information in one place, ensuring you never miss a crucial number, deadline, or date again.


General Medicare information, Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement, Part D RX Plans

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